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Pharmacovigilance System

The pharmacovigilance system of "DOSFARM" LLP is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Standard of Good Pharmacovigilance Practice, approved by the state body in the field of circulation of medicines and medical devices.

The goals of pharmacovigilance are:

  • Continuous assessment of the benefit-risk ratio throughout the entire period of circulation of medicines and medical devices;

  • Ensuring the protection of public health and improving patient safety;

  • Raising the awareness of healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals about drug safety, the rational use of medicines and increasing their activity in monitoring the side effects of medicines.

Pharmacovigilance system is designed to perform pharmacovigilance tasks and responsibilities, to monitor the safety of medicines and medical devices, to detect all changes in the assessment of the benefit-risk ratio of medicines in a timely manner, to develop and implement measures to ensure the use of medicines in excess of the benefits over the risks.

"DOSFARM" LLP has established and maintains a system to ensure that all suspected adverse reactions are collected (reported to company personnel and/or medical representatives) and that the information received is promptly transmitted to the authorized body.

If you have any information regarding a serious (suspicious) adverse reaction or lack of effectiveness when using medicines produced by DOSFARM LLP, we ask you to inform us about it:

  • by filling out the expected adverse event form on the websiteдля-казахстана/
  • by sending information by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • by calling 24/7: +7 (727) 364 84 27
  • by sending a message via WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram to the number: +7-903-799-2-186


 We guarantee compliance with the confidentiality of information sent by you, except as required by law.